On Digital Transformation

Latin America’s leading companies are very much committed to better serving their customers through the aggressive implementation of digital transformation initiatives.
These efforts are being supported by Agile and DevOps principles that encompass people, processes and technology. Its fascinating to see how large enterprises in the region have launched new organizational structures around “tribes” or agile teams, for application development teams and business units alike; set goals around new metrics that measure the speed of delivery, value and quality of new or enhanced services; and the myriad of technology adopted to achieve continue integration, testing, deployment and monitoring. And although digital transformation projects are very prevalent in the financial services industry, there are also active efforts in industries such as Telco, Retail, Media, Industry, and Government.

Like in any other pass business innovation waves, anchoring the changes around clear business goals is fundamental to maximize their outcome. Below you will find two recommendations, a TEDx presentation and a recent article on Harvard Business Review (HBR), that would help companies drive their digital transformation efforts in the proper business context.

The first is the TEDx talk in Portuguese title “The Digital Banking Revolution” (TEDx) by João Vitor Menin, CEO of Bank Inter in Brazil.  He leverages Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle ( TED Simon Sinek ) to makes sense of the business innovation bought by technology. He places the “Banking Revolution” in the center of the circle (Why?), and three pillars of the digital transformations: digital platform, CRM and Data Intelligence in the next circle (How?). João completes the outward circle (What?) with the Inter’s banking solution portfolio (i.e. credit cards, mobile banking, etc). This is a nice example of how to leverage the Golden Circles model to understand better the role of digital transformation initiatives.

The HBR article title “Digital Doesn’t have to be Disruptive” by Nathan Furr and Andrew Shipilov appeared in the July-August 2019 issue. The authors’ research and work show that, although in some cases the adoption of digital transformation is a major paradigm shift, in most the transformation means incremental steps to better deliver the company’s value proposition. Below you will find two of the five takeaways:

  • Myth: Digital requires radical disruption of the value proposition. Reality: It usually means using digital tools to better serve the know customer needs
  • Myth: Digital requires overhauling legacy systems. Reality: Its’ more often about incremental bridging.

The above two sources should help companies in Latin America align their digital transformation initiatives with their business strategy to achieve a high return on investment promised by this new and powerful business trend.

LinkIT LATAM is proudly and effectively supporting the Digital Transformation of many companies in Latin America through the solutions of our clients who are leaders in this transformative space: CloudBees and Tricentis.

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